The Impactful Engineer Project - Mentorship, Career Growth, and Personal & Professional Excellence for Aspiring Engineers

Episode 54 - Your Weaknesses & Your Strengths: The Actions Everyone Can Benefit From

β€’ Steve & Jake Maxey - The Impactful Engineers β€’ Season 2024 β€’ Episode 54

There is a long term and short term strategy around weaknesses and strengths in your engineering career that can have a huge impact if done correctly.

Do you think about those weaknesses that you don't know about? How about the strengths you don't know about? How do you identify those, and once identified, what do you do with that knowledge?

These questions are answered in today's episode, among many more.

Steve drops a bit of wisdom towards the end of the episode that is simply πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Let's dive in!

The Impactful Engineering Project's purpose is to bring awareness, access, success, and mentorship to all new and aspiring engineers. But it doesn't stop there. What we talk about on this podcast applies to seasoned engineers as well. 

The community that will be built from this project has the potential to change the lives of everyone who is a part of it. We sincerely hope to reach and help as many people as possible. Your participation will bring the project to life. 

The Impactful Engineer Podcast is one small step towards the ultimate vision.

What you will learn/gain from the Podcast:

  • Engineers' perspectives around career success from people who are in it and have done it. 
  • Tools, tips, and other strategic thinking around the world of engineering work. 
  • Mindsets around success as an engineer, both high level and day-to-day.
  • Fun conversations with guests that have a lot to offer. 
  • Encouragement to pursue you highest potential and why it matters. 

The Project hopes to achieve/provide:

  • Full ride engineering undergraduate scholarships in all states. 
  • Awareness and encouragement for all aspiring engineers.
  • Paid internships for students looking to get hands on experience working for industry professionals. 
  • A "leg up" on the competition by giving people the tools and mindset to achieve their ultimate goals.


Please submit any feedback you have to the email below. Extending awareness and reach is critical, so as many people benefit from what this community will become as possible. That only happens with your help. We can't do it alone!

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Find us on LinkedIn @The Impactful Engineer

We would love to hear from you. Enjoy the show.

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